enjoying themselves:.)
I Have been thinking a lot this week about our past sermon.It was talking about The God of ALL Grace.Reading over my notes this week I have been very encouraged!I thought I would take some time to write down on of my favorite points we went over.
Grace in being BORN AGAIN
I.In relation to Salvation
a.Keeping the divine assessment
of the human condition
before us at all times!
Together we have all turned aside,together we have become corrupt.There is NONE who do good.NOT EVEN ONE!Romans 3:23"For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.Jeremiah 17:9"The heart is more deceitful than all else,and is desperately sick;who can understand it?
b.By pointing out and exposing counterfeits among us!
Titus 3:5-7,Romans 11:16,Galatians5:4
These things were very near and dear to my heart this past week with the death of my grandpa.My family is catholic and I was really upset with what the Catholic church was saying at the funeral.This sermon really encouraged me and reminded me of what to watch out for.I ran out of time to write down all the verses I wanted to, so I will finish this after a while.I was able to write down some references though so look them up.They will encourage you on your walk with the Lord and remind you of what you were saved from!In Christ's Love,Kelsey
Titus 3:5-7,Romans 11:16,Galatians5:4
These things were very near and dear to my heart this past week with the death of my grandpa.My family is catholic and I was really upset with what the Catholic church was saying at the funeral.This sermon really encouraged me and reminded me of what to watch out for.I ran out of time to write down all the verses I wanted to, so I will finish this after a while.I was able to write down some references though so look them up.They will encourage you on your walk with the Lord and remind you of what you were saved from!In Christ's Love,Kelsey
Thank you for your wise comments and your beautiful pictures!