Tuesday, June 28, 2011


It is so much fun to find good deals!!




There is a flee market type store

near were we live.. I found this

beautiful coffee/tea set their for $25.

I wasn't positive this was an

excellent deal but I just loved it.

Not to mention in my future kitchen

I in vision robins egg blue walls with

this silver as an accent!^-^ and what

else can I say..I love Coffee!!!


I found this neat Atlas from 1910

in a garage/estate sale...

the people who were in charge

were kind enough to let my sister and I rummage

around in the old garage of the house

and that is where I found the atlas..

how neat..plus being it was a little dusty and

not quite in tack anymore..I got a great deal!!^-^

Happy hunting!! ^-~

XO Kelsey

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Une promenade a' Paris..Dance Recital 2011

So i..again..havent written a new blog post in

what seems like FOREVER!! I have heard

the saying before.."I am so far behind

I don't know if I'm coming or going."That

quote can definitely be applied to myself in the

past couple of months.But, the Lord as always

continues to be very faithful to me!! I thought
I could share a bigger event that has come

about recently. The first thing that popped into

my mind...the dance recital I threw on May 28Th.

I will say this took A lot of my time up but now

that its over I have mixed emotions...I'm sad because I absolutely

adored being able to choreograph, dance,design costumes,

and I really enjoyed the time with my students but I

am also very thankful its over and that I have a break

and some more time to spend with Jess, my friends and all

my other interests and hobbies. So Here is some pic's

of the big event^-~

Blessing in AbunDANCE dance studio presents:

"Une promenade a' Paris"





Setting up before the Show


























The Big Show ^-^








(My personal Favorite)

Our Modern Dance









Abi's Irish Dance





The Maple Leaf Rag






The Finale'

What an awesome time and opportunity!!!!^-^
