Friday, March 16, 2012
Here's the Link!!
Ok so my new blog is up and running even with a brand new post!!! ^-^ hehe Here it is!! please check it out and hope y'all like it!! ^-^ Kelsey
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
My Last Post on this Blog!!!
Hello all!! Its been quite a while to say the very least! A lot has happened in the past months I've been gone....I am now starting a new blog to go now with my new life;) It is an up and coming project and may be a week or so before its completely finished...I will send a link when it is up and running! Blessings to everyone and hope to see you on my new blog soon!!!! ^-^ -Kelsey
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Otherwise Engaged...Part 2
When we got the ring last Friday
evening...we went to eat at a
really neat restaurant in our neck
of the woods called Two Twenty Five.
It was so yummy!!!^-^
This was the menu which I thought
was neat!!^-^

but its the only one we got at our table.

Monday, July 11, 2011
Otherwise Engaged...Part1
Something wonderful happened to me this past
week...something most every girl dreams of..
To the most wonderful man!!^-^
Each day I spend with him I never feel that I
could be more thankful to the Lord than I already
am...but it just keeps growing and growing!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
It is so much fun to find good deals!!
There is a flee market type store
near were we live.. I found this
beautiful coffee/tea set their for $25.
I wasn't positive this was an
excellent deal but I just loved it.
Not to mention in my future kitchen
I in vision robins egg blue walls with
this silver as an accent!^-^ and what
else can I say..I love Coffee!!!
I found this neat Atlas from 1910
in a garage/estate sale...
the people who were in charge
were kind enough to let my sister and I rummage
around in the old garage of the house
and that is where I found the atlas..
how being it was a little dusty and
not quite in tack anymore..I got a great deal!!^-^
XO Kelsey
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Une promenade a' Paris..Dance Recital 2011
So i..again..havent written a new blog post in
what seems like FOREVER!! I have heard
the saying before.."I am so far behind
I don't know if I'm coming or going."That
quote can definitely be applied to myself in the
past couple of months.But, the Lord as always
continues to be very faithful to me!! I thought
I could share a bigger event that has come
I could share a bigger event that has come
about recently. The first thing that popped into
my mind...the dance recital I threw on May 28Th.
I will say this took A lot of my time up but now
that its over I have mixed emotions...I'm sad because I absolutely
adored being able to choreograph, dance,design costumes,
and I really enjoyed the time with my students but I
am also very thankful its over and that I have a break
and some more time to spend with Jess, my friends and all
my other interests and hobbies. So Here is some pic's
of the big event^-~
Blessing in AbunDANCE dance studio presents:
"Une promenade a' Paris"
Setting up before the Show
The Big Show ^-^
The Big Show ^-^
(My personal Favorite)
(My personal Favorite)
Our Modern Dance
Abi's Irish Dance
Abi's Irish Dance
The Maple Leaf Rag
The Maple Leaf Rag
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The"Tree Chic"Tote
My latest project...
I saw this fabric at Jo Ann's
and I thought it was absolutely
adorable and so springy!! ^-^
One of the other things I love
about it is that it's
These are actually napkins
from back when Target had the
Cynthia Rowley"Swell" Line.
(which I absolutely adored!)
I could never find the perfect
fit for them, but I think this is
perfect. ^-^
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