I know Miss A has already taken
a Beautiful picture of this house!
But I love it and the weather was
perfect for a picture so I took
one too!!(hope you don't mind
miss A!)
thunder storm....I love a good
thunder storm!!!
.........Ohhh man I have been busy!With school finally completed,
I honestly thought I would never see the day:.)(mom
probably thought she wouldn't either;.)Then before
you know it,its done and gone!This is an exciting time in my
life,but I'm also very leary of it too.I have been doing a lot
of thinking and PRAYING!!!about what the Lord will have for
my life since this chapter of school has finally been completed.
One of my last assignments in English was to complete a speech
and give it publicly.Well I was homeschooled and my family was
about as public as it was going to get:.)!!!Then my blog had come to
mind.I was struggling for a while with coming up with an idea to write
about.So this is my opportunity!My speech is titled:
"The Dangers of Dating"
I am here to tell you the dangers of dating.It is a very serious issue,
and in this day and age,it seems to be taken very lightly.In fact most
people don't give it a second thought.Now I am going to state some of the
dangers.It is fun to have a girlfriend or boyfriend,right?In a relationship,though,
there is many responsibilities to go with it.A man should never pursue a woman
without something to offer her.An example,a job,car,way to support a family.So
this leaves out dating before your old enough to have a job.This is necessary
because it shows seriousness in a relationship.Dating plays with your emotions
and this is a danger.Neither person is very serious about each other to begin with.
A relationship is all about commitment.Dating tells you you can"try-on" partners
until you find the one you believe is right for you.After all the "trying-on"is done,and
you find the one you believe is right for you,what of your heart do you have left?
A tattered,jaded,broken and mended heart.What a GIFT!!!!And don't think the dating
concept wont follow you into your marriage!Someday,when the chips are down,you will decide
this maybe wasn't the right person for you,and off you'll go to find yet another who will
suit you better.This is why divorce has become so prevalent.People don't know the concept
of commitment!A true,loving,godly relationship NEEDS commitment!
Another danger is being to physically involved.We are sinners so we will be tempted to do
ungodly things being left alone.You should never willingly put yourself in
this vulnerable situation!
When you become interested in someone,don't go up and ask them for a date.First of all go
to prayer before the Lord.Then observe the person and make sure they have a close walk
with the Lord.Then make sure they are someone you are truly interested in marrying.
When you are sure of all this,A man,should make sure he has a sustainable job.A woman,
should have the male figure in her life become involved.Then per sue your relationship
in a godly way.I have warned you of some of the dangers of dating.Make sure,first and
foremost,to prayerfully consider what the Lord has for you in a relationship before per suing.
A Speech By:
Kelsey Ullrich
This is a very controversial topic and I thought long and
hard before I posted it on my blog.But I believe its
something many of us believers need to hear.I just
keep a verse in mind:
" and do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind,that you may prove what the
will of God is,that which is good,and acceptable,and perfect."
Romans 12:2